Didn't see the pledges signs on College Gameday this morning... Going to be a long Wednesday night. TFM.

  1. W

    That’s because the ESPN crew was too busy making fun of your west coast “fraternities” to notice your pledges in their board shorts holding up their longboards with “beat oregon” written on them right under the rvca sticker

    14 years ago at 3:56 pm
    1. douches.wear.short.shorts

      enjoy being from the south. if you graduate…you can look forward mowing peoples lawns with your john deer mower for a living. you can write “the south will rise again” right under the logo. maybe you’ll make enough money to go on a nice shopping spree at the polo outlet store.

      14 years ago at 4:20 pm
    2. Eric Fratton

      douches.wear.short.shorts, your a moron. No one respects anyone that wears cargo shorts below the knees

      14 years ago at 5:57 pm
    3. Ben Broethlisberger

      hey douches.wear.short.shorts,
      nothing about the west coast is fratty enjoy being from there. if you graduate….you can look forward to becoming MAYBE a b-class actor that know one knows about. But it’ll be okay, because you’ll make enough money to buy your cargos and support your sweet liberal wife named jim. hey nice v-neck with your sports coat by the way. I bet that’s doing wonders for you geed. Bless your heart.

      14 years ago at 12:57 pm
  2. Stonewall Fratson

    Dear west coast, cargo short-wearers: stop posting about your non fratty lifestyle and ruining this website. Thanks,
    – The south

    14 years ago at 9:21 pm
  3. KergiBro Seffer

    why the hate on the west coast? You could be talking shit on your brothers for all you know.

    14 years ago at 1:01 am
  4. Southern Money

    Too bad the sounth has more money in the schools.

    Look at Alabama the row old and new are both better than any row in the US

    14 years ago at 7:59 am
  5. Fratical

    Brothelisberger (that “know” one knows about)- a southern education. Fratical bro. Glad to see the south still consists of a bunch of illiterate sperry faries.

    14 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. South

      Are you using radical in your name fratical. Wow… California just stooped to a new low.

      14 years ago at 3:34 pm
  6. The SEC

    The fact you play during the week is NF. I cant remember the last time my SEC team didn’t play on a weekend.

    14 years ago at 11:51 am