1. southerncostas

      D – Demonstrate value
      E – Engage physically
      N – Nurturing dependance
      N – Neglect emotionally
      I – Inspire hope
      S – Separate entirely

      13 years ago at 2:38 pm
    2. Dennis Reynolds

      Kalie, “Hey this is some good pizza”
      Dennis, “You’re the one that is good”

      And then, naturally, we bang.


      13 years ago at 6:05 pm
    1. Fraterick Southgate

      We get it. You’re trying to be as annoying as TKEpledge. Its cute, really. But just stop.

      13 years ago at 2:32 pm
    2. Wayfarer_not_Welfare

      ^ you fed the troll. WE TOLD YOU NOT TO FEED THE TROLLS. Now aggressively go fuck yourself.

      13 years ago at 3:13 pm
    3. PIKEpledge

      ^ obviously you guys with so much lack of self control you feed attention craving trolls.

      13 years ago at 7:57 pm
  1. Spartan_Pi_Kapp

    Attention foreigners who try to get us to go to your virus infected websites (^):

    First off, use fucking correct English and spell grammatically correct for once. I am seriously tired of this motherfuckin shit where you can’t even get across the messege that you’re trying to say. You will never have any American with the IQ past 30 fall for your shitty, little scam that you came up with in adobe huts in some crappy ass 3rd world country that you call home. If your going to pull off a scam or try and get people to go to your fuckin website at least do it correctly and don’t completely half-ass it to the point where it is blatantly obvious that you don’t belong here. Now let’s move on to what you “wrote” with your mandatory taught 2nd grade American English lessons from mama san. What exactly will I love about your website? You just fuckin say “share a website with you”, “credit card and free shipping”. What the FUCK are you implying? What exactly did you buy 2 pairs of that are of such “high quality” yet their cheap? And clearly this fuckin idiot is on the god damned wrong site because guess what, THE FUTURE LEADERS OF AMERICA (I.E. FRATERNITY GENTLEMEN) DO NOT WEAR YOUR SHITTILY MADE CHEAP CHINESE GOODS. “you can go and ship with there”. Holy Shit. How does this goldmine of troll-worthy shit always get passed up? What the fuck are you trying to say.

    13 years ago at 3:03 pm