John Daley I’ve said this countless times on this site. But this truly is the dumbest comment ever. And you being a buckeye fan makes it that much worse. 14 years ago at 9:04 am
John Daly Ive said this multiple times on this site. But this truly is the dumbest comment ever. And you being a buckeye fan makes it that much worse. 14 years ago at 9:08 am
Southern Pride Dip is a TFM for sure. Go back to your corn farm in Amish country. 14 years ago at 10:06 am
The Ohio St. Buckeye If you think throwin in a dip makes you frat you probably belong to one of those 8 week non hazing societies that has triple digit dues. GO BUCKEYES 14 years ago at 4:00 pm
lilly, pearls and the SEC If you think being from Ohio is frat you probably also wear cargo shorts and think you have a good football team. 14 years ago at 8:43 am
Fratsilon Girls may seem like they don’t like dip but really they just tell you it’s gross because they have no other way to start a conversation with you. Unless you’re a GDI, then they really don’t like you.. 14 years ago at 10:24 am
George Banta mouth cancer=NF I’d rather kiss a GDI than a frat star who dips. And I don’t kiss GDIs. 14 years ago at 2:28 am
Dip=NF just red
14 years ago at 8:51 amDip=TFM
14 years ago at 9:01 amI’ve said this countless times on this site. But this truly is the dumbest comment ever. And you being a buckeye fan makes it that much worse.
14 years ago at 9:04 amIve said this multiple times on this site. But this truly is the dumbest comment ever. And you being a buckeye fan makes it that much worse.
14 years ago at 9:08 amDip is a TFM for sure. Go back to your corn farm in Amish country.
14 years ago at 10:06 amIf you think throwin in a dip makes you frat you probably belong to one of those 8 week non hazing societies that has triple digit dues. GO BUCKEYES
14 years ago at 4:00 pmIf you think being from Ohio is frat you probably also wear cargo shorts and think you have a good football team.
14 years ago at 8:43 amGirls may seem like they don’t like dip but really they just tell you it’s gross because they have no other way to start a conversation with you. Unless you’re a GDI, then they really don’t like you..
14 years ago at 10:24 amAre you telling me you never take the initiative?
14 years ago at 3:42 pmA can a day keeps the GDI’s away TFM
14 years ago at 11:06 amYou mean like an OSU fraternity?
14 years ago at 6:49 amIt works. Dip is a huge turnoff.
14 years ago at 8:13 amI love it when my fratdaddy dips:)
14 years ago at 12:02 ammouth cancer=NF
I’d rather kiss a GDI than a frat star who dips. And I don’t kiss GDIs.
14 years ago at 2:28 amSame here…dip is disgusting.
14 years ago at 1:23 pm