Told last night's slam that my complex strictly enforces towing on weekend mornings. She left. TFM.

    1. fratbox

      reppin that confederate flag. NF. treason. If you don’t like America then get out.

      13 years ago at 7:30 pm
    2. BROwnOutOfProportion

      ^^Not this shit again. Nothing about the secession was NF. Lincoln was a tyrant who wanted to centralize power and shit on states’ rights. The secession was about states’ rights, and if you don’t believe in states’ rights, you are an un-American dirty liberal, and that is the ultimate NF.

      13 years ago at 8:39 pm
    3. Frattery

      Most prominently about states’ rights regarding SLAVERY. People have come down so hard against the “Civil War was all about slavery” stance that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. Yes, there were multiple factors at play, but slavery was a huge one.

      13 years ago at 11:02 pm
    4. CandC

      Although, technically speaking, secession is the most unamerican thing you can do, because, you know, you’re not really part of America anymore.

      Kinda like hazing a kid so much he quits. Nobody’s gonna say “damn that kid was FaF, he left because he knew he was better than you.” No, you say “he’s a fucking pussy and he should have stuck it out.” The fraternity will keep on fratting regardless.

      13 years ago at 10:34 am
    5. BROwnOutOfProportion

      ^Seceding to uphold the original American ideals and values that the federal government no longer upheld is pretty damn American. Being American is not just about living here and submitting yourself to the US political structure. It is also about the ideals that the forefathers fought for in the first place. You know, when they “seceded” from British tyranny to pursue freedom. Therefore you, sir, are wrong.

      13 years ago at 5:27 pm
    1. fratstarcentral

      ^ Yeah, you’re right. A lot of college campuses have those near. None from Texas do I can assure you.

      13 years ago at 9:12 pm
    2. gingerinpearls

      Why are we assuming that he actually was in an apartment. Perhaps he just had a really dumb slam.

      13 years ago at 1:13 am
  1. Old South Gentleman

    Haha this reminds me of my freshman year in the dorms. Girl stayed over and parked her car in my dorms parking lot and woke up with a boot on her tire

    13 years ago at 9:47 am