Man vs Wild pledge hasn't returned yet. It's been 4 days. TFM.

  1. William Fratterman

    Fucking Stupid, if there’s a way to get yourself shut down for hazing that’s definitely the correct route; I’m all for fucking with the pledges til they cry but when you put them in serious danger you’re just a GDI trying to prove himself in my opinion.

    Motion To Strike this from TFM.

    14 years ago at 6:39 am
    1. Rebel yell

      What are the odds that this actually happened or you are taking this out of context?

      14 years ago at 7:04 am
    2. Southern_KAI_Stars

      Fratterman, take a breather. If their pledge was really missing for 4 days, I doubt they would post it on a website.

      14 years ago at 7:54 am