The only hangover I ever had lasted 24 hours from a 7 day binge drinking rage fest. TFM. Cupid14 years ago
Frattin and stackin FaF. Real fratstars don’t get hangovers after a “long party night.” It takes time and effort. 14 years ago at 2:31 am
frattinlikemadaddy Never getting a hangover means you are clearly not raging hard enough. A true night of raging isn’t complete until you wake up drunk at 2 pm and continue to drink through the hangover. 14 years ago at 1:13 pm
Sounds cool man. Teach me to be like you
14 years ago at 11:25 pmFaF. Real fratstars don’t get hangovers after a “long party night.” It takes time and effort.
14 years ago at 2:31 ampullin a sheen… i did that this week too. i feel ya bro.
14 years ago at 7:02 amNever getting a hangover means you are clearly not raging hard enough. A true night of raging isn’t complete until you wake up drunk at 2 pm and continue to drink through the hangover.
14 years ago at 1:13 pm