This Chrome Extension That Turns Ads Into Study Notes Can Fuck Right Off
Are you one who procrastinates studying until the very last minute? Do you hate those pesky online ads while you’re trying to surf the web? If you are, then I have the new Google Chrome extension just for you. It’s called V Energy AdNotes and it’s designed to help you be smarter, or something like that, while you roam the internet.
From Google
V AdNotes will help improve your study a bit by turning forgettable ads into memorable study notes.
It puts your study notes where ads usually go, so you’re studying no matter what you do on the internet…
So you’re saying I can get smarter while surfing the internet? Technology is crazy, man. The best part of it all?
Just input your colour-coded subjects and add as many study notes as you like.
Instead of just studying your study notes, you now can just add them into this extension and then study them while you’re reading your favorite sites. What a novel concept. Really well done here, guys. I can’t think of a better product to keep students from procrastinating. Expect this thing to jump in the rankings of most downloaded Chrome extensions.
Forget the fact that the majority of website users have an adblock feature so they don’t have to see the ads in the first place. That portion of the market doesn’t matter anyway. You’re only looking for the hardcore internet users. The ones who will look at those ads and go “hey, I actually enjoyed this.”
The only thing that shocks me is these guys didn’t put a price tag on it. Easily something people would pay big money to use..
How about you fuck right off TFM
8 years ago at 10:07 amAny article that isn’t Fail Friday can fuck right off
8 years ago at 10:10 amLosing revenue there Harrison? TFM a little pissy?
8 years ago at 11:21 am