1. southerncostas

    You should already know. And get that fucking bracelet off, you piece of shit.

    13 years ago at 10:54 am
    1. RFTH

      Shut up for a lot of guys this is pretty standard procedure as a pledge. We’re aware that you came out of the womb wearing a bow tie but have mercy on these mere mortals.

      13 years ago at 12:08 pm
    2. TallyFratMove

      ^^I smirked and then let out a little chuckle. But really who doesn’t know how to tie a bow tie by the time there 11?

      13 years ago at 9:52 pm
    3. FAFSince190Biz

      Who doesn’t know the differences between there, their, and they’re after the 3rd grade?

      13 years ago at 11:31 pm
    1. southerncostas

      Actually yes there is.
      1. He’s wearing the same fucking bracelet hipsters wear, I don’t care what its for.
      2. Not knowing how to tie a bow tie by the time you’re at least 19. Honestly, adjusting is the hardest part and that’s not even hard.
      3. Too big of pussies to ask an older brother for help.
      Yeah, they’re a buncha homos

      13 years ago at 1:57 pm