That means a lot coming from people who would probably never consider joining the military. 100-300 million dollars a week in tax payer money. All because Europe told us to. Great leadership by Obama. pffffffft.
it might sound like a lot, but 300 mil is pocket change in terms of the national debt. the big problem is the entitlement programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid. If people could just take care of themselves, problem solved
@Frattiesburg : You do realize that most people on this site are Southern, Die Hard Republicans who hates Obama with a passion, and loves Reagan more than life itself. Trying to change their minds into rational thinking is trying to get a fat person understands the benefits of exercising … NOT Happening. So just enjoy these ignorant remarks and have a blast reading how these morans think.
The thing is, I’m from the South and I also think Obama is a horrible president. That being said, at the same time. I will also argue against any ridiculous argument that sticking our nose into the Libyan situation in good for the US. What good do we get out of this? Losing 100-300 million dollars a week onto our 14 trillion dollar debt?
You all want to know why we are backing this ridiculous shit? Because Obama is subservient to the Europeans who NEED oil from the Libyans. That’s right. Obama is the puppet of France and other Euro-wimps who haven’t flexed their balls in the past 70 years. I will hope that some of you are smart enough to realize this. We are attacking Libya because France told us to…does that not bother any of you?
Just cause I’m from California, doesn’t mean I am one sorry hippie. I agree Obama is an idiot but he is also the commander in chief of this nation and as long as I call myself an American, no matter how idiotic our president is, I’ll still support him, even though our views are completely different.
Cali, get off this website and go for a ride on your long board you geed. barack hussein obama is useless and a real American would never support his socialist agenda.
JimcroW : i am a student veteran with battle scars to prove it, i know my true allegiance lies with the United States of America. What have you done? Play COD and think you’re a Bad Ass ? Remember this : Playing Call of Duty, NF. Responding to Call of Duty. T.F.M.
How about you serve 2 years in the battle front then come back and talk. Until then shut your hole.
I think Frattiesburg is coming from a fiscal conservative point of view that some people are interpreting as him being umpatriotic. The United States’ domestic problems concerning our government budget relates to the amount military support we can give. Europe can’t go up against Qaddafi alone so obviously they had to ask “Daddy United States” to help.
France finally pay us back a little for the saving their asses from the Germans and the Middle East trying to join the rest of the civilized nations of the world. Gotta love it
Even if they put some form of Democracy (note: Because Islam is such a part of their lives, actual democracy will not be established.) they will probably end up putt…ing in a leader who is a fundamentalist and anti-Western/US and we will end up with another enemy who we ironically helped put in place. Either that or we manipulate the elections to get someone we want in and the people get mad at us and hate us for that. Then, of course, there is the off chance everything magically works out…but I expect to most likely be paying more for gas, at least for a while. Libya has the most oil of any country in Africa and production has pretty much shut down. I know the oil industry doesn’t work strictly off supply and demand but yeah…Anyways, guess we will just see.
A good ol-fashioned ass pounding.
14 years ago at 3:44 pm110 Tomahawk Missiles is a fitting St. Pattys day present
14 years ago at 3:44 pmthis reagan shit is getting so old. he was an alright president. grow up.
14 years ago at 4:31 pmto put it short and sweet, Go Fuck Yourself!
14 years ago at 4:50 pmPresident Ronald Reagan was a great president. geed
14 years ago at 5:00 pmYou’re an idiot and a geed.
14 years ago at 5:38 pmban this geed before someone smashes his indie frames and lights his hipster beanie on fire
14 years ago at 10:34 amReagan was a haas. Doesnt mean attacking libya in 2011 is a good idea. France better do like 90% of the work here.
14 years ago at 11:18 amSpending money we don’t have. More fuck-ups by Obama.
14 years ago at 4:39 pmThere’s always money for missiles you geed, go hug a tree.
14 years ago at 5:00 pmFollowing in Reagan’s footsteps is never a bad idea. If Obama did it more often, maybe he’d still have a job in 2013
14 years ago at 5:06 pmThat means a lot coming from people who would probably never consider joining the military. 100-300 million dollars a week in tax payer money. All because Europe told us to. Great leadership by Obama. pffffffft.
14 years ago at 5:33 pmit might sound like a lot, but 300 mil is pocket change in terms of the national debt. the big problem is the entitlement programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid. If people could just take care of themselves, problem solved
14 years ago at 5:58 pmMotion to blackball Frattiesburg from this site. Rambling GDIs with skewed opinions on politics have no place here.
Thank you sig55, you actually know what you’re talking about
14 years ago at 6:18 pmsig is right on this one
14 years ago at 9:33 pmHe will do this “favor” for the world instead of paying off this debt that he has. Spending 300 mil to save multiple trillion… deal
14 years ago at 9:48 pmAre you people that stupid or are you kidding?
14 years ago at 2:30 am@Frattiesburg : You do realize that most people on this site are Southern, Die Hard Republicans who hates Obama with a passion, and loves Reagan more than life itself. Trying to change their minds into rational thinking is trying to get a fat person understands the benefits of exercising … NOT Happening. So just enjoy these ignorant remarks and have a blast reading how these morans think.
14 years ago at 2:45 amThe thing is, I’m from the South and I also think Obama is a horrible president. That being said, at the same time. I will also argue against any ridiculous argument that sticking our nose into the Libyan situation in good for the US. What good do we get out of this? Losing 100-300 million dollars a week onto our 14 trillion dollar debt?
You all want to know why we are backing this ridiculous shit? Because Obama is subservient to the Europeans who NEED oil from the Libyans. That’s right. Obama is the puppet of France and other Euro-wimps who haven’t flexed their balls in the past 70 years. I will hope that some of you are smart enough to realize this. We are attacking Libya because France told us to…does that not bother any of you?
14 years ago at 3:19 amJust cause I’m from California, doesn’t mean I am one sorry hippie. I agree Obama is an idiot but he is also the commander in chief of this nation and as long as I call myself an American, no matter how idiotic our president is, I’ll still support him, even though our views are completely different.
14 years ago at 3:35 amCali, get off this website and go for a ride on your long board you geed. barack hussein obama is useless and a real American would never support his socialist agenda.
14 years ago at 3:54 amI agree with these guys and I am joining the military after college, so Frattiesburg, go suck a dick.
14 years ago at 9:53 amJimcroW : i am a student veteran with battle scars to prove it, i know my true allegiance lies with the United States of America. What have you done? Play COD and think you’re a Bad Ass ? Remember this : Playing Call of Duty, NF. Responding to Call of Duty. T.F.M.
14 years ago at 1:42 pmHow about you serve 2 years in the battle front then come back and talk. Until then shut your hole.
I think Frattiesburg is coming from a fiscal conservative point of view that some people are interpreting as him being umpatriotic. The United States’ domestic problems concerning our government budget relates to the amount military support we can give. Europe can’t go up against Qaddafi alone so obviously they had to ask “Daddy United States” to help.
14 years ago at 6:47 pmFrance finally pay us back a little for the saving their asses from the Germans and the Middle East trying to join the rest of the civilized nations of the world. Gotta love it
14 years ago at 5:30 pmthat obama he gay as hell
14 years ago at 9:19 pmHe really pisses me off. Great episode of southpark
14 years ago at 9:22 pmEven if they put some form of Democracy (note: Because Islam is such a part of their lives, actual democracy will not be established.) they will probably end up putt…ing in a leader who is a fundamentalist and anti-Western/US and we will end up with another enemy who we ironically helped put in place. Either that or we manipulate the elections to get someone we want in and the people get mad at us and hate us for that. Then, of course, there is the off chance everything magically works out…but I expect to most likely be paying more for gas, at least for a while. Libya has the most oil of any country in Africa and production has pretty much shut down. I know the oil industry doesn’t work strictly off supply and demand but yeah…Anyways, guess we will just see.
14 years ago at 10:20 pm(Sorry for the random ellipses in the middle of “putting.” I don’t know why that’s there…)
14 years ago at 10:21 pmInvoking the name of the greatest President when talking about anything is FaF
14 years ago at 10:32 amI didn’t see George Washington mentioned…
14 years ago at 11:55 amLet’s all just eat some bacon and get laid
14 years ago at 11:06 am