Vladimir Putin Arrested At A Florida Publix
Vladimir Putin was arrested on trespassing charges after causing a scene in West Palm Beach last week. Putin apparently did not fully appreciate the Publix experience, “where shopping is a pleasure,” and voiced his displeasure with the southeast supermarket chain — loudly scolding employees and confronting management. After holding his ground and refusing to leave the grocery store like a certain former Ukrainian territory, police moved in to apprehend the shouting aggressor.
What? Not what you expected? That’s as honest a title as there is on the internet. Pretty presumptuous of you to think Vladimir Putin had to be a white dictator’s name. That feeling of disappoint is on you, not me. Be better, guys..
Image via Shutterstock
Fuck you. You got me, but fuck you.
8 years ago at 10:41 amIf I want to read about crackheads with funny names doing crazy shit in Florida, I’d go to Barstool. .
8 years ago at 10:42 amI’m actually relieved Publix didn’t inadvertently start World War III.
8 years ago at 10:44 amOr just read any Florida newspaper.
8 years ago at 11:28 amWhere do you think they get their material?
8 years ago at 8:43 pmshow us your tits
8 years ago at 10:49 amPoor Dan, he always has food on his mind.
8 years ago at 12:25 pmWell since the story took place in a Publix I’d say it is kind of validated here. Could be just me though.
8 years ago at 5:53 pmHe clearly did not get a publix sub if he did , he would of been sucking publix dick
8 years ago at 1:08 pmVladdy really let himself go after retiring from baseball.
8 years ago at 1:29 pmStill though, fuck communism.
8 years ago at 1:20 am