1. Douglas Neidermeyer

      Because this site is called “totalfratmove”, as in a total fraternity move… As in something that fraternity men can relate to.. How many times have you not been able to find the remote in the fucking house? Exactly, therefore its a fucking total fraternity move…. Jesus Christ…

      13 years ago at 12:50 pm
  1. Vicodin_Sunday

    Try using a bottle of Jack instead of a 2×4, some how its classier and easier to grip

    13 years ago at 11:44 am
  2. Rod Blabrojevich

    Swinging a 2×4 through the TV as opposed to throwing a remote through the screen in a playoff fueled blackout rage. I can work with that.

    13 years ago at 11:52 am
    1. Teddy__Brosevelt

      I appreciate your sentiment here, but it’s just not practical. She needs to be able to move from the fridge to the oven, etc.

      13 years ago at 2:39 pm
    1. The Frat Czar

      Agreed. Anybody who doesn’t lose the TV remote on a daily basis isn’t partying hard enough.

      13 years ago at 5:30 pm