Throwing things at peasants attempting to sneak down to the expensive seats. TFM.

  1. ImTTweakedTC

    So your sitting in inexpensive seats with the peasants? You aren’t even good at being a tryhard you fucking failure.

    12 years ago at 12:11 pm
  2. Brofalo and Company

    Realizing that if you threw things at the people in front of you, you would hit the players. FAF

    12 years ago at 12:35 pm
    1. Honor Super Frat

      You’re right, being frugal. NF. Turing a $150 dollar ticket into a $1,000 night out. TFM

      12 years ago at 7:56 pm
  3. ImTTweakedTC

    Sounds like you’re not sitting in the expensive seats either. You aren’t even good at try-harding.

    12 years ago at 7:10 pm

    Doesn’t that mean you’re sitting in the same place they are? What a dumbass.

    12 years ago at 8:40 pm
  5. Bill_Brasky

    If you truly gave zero fucks as your name suggests, you wouldn’t care about anyone but yourself. Fake names, TMantiTe’oM

    12 years ago at 11:02 am