TFM being listed as a lifestyle in the app store. TFM.

    1. PIKEpledge

      Seriously. I hope you get cancer you worthless fuck. I hope you die sad and alone in a hospice and are treated like shit the last days of your life. I hope the cancer eats away your organs slowly so you can feel every bit of it until the pain is completely unbearable. Fuck you.

      12 years ago at 9:02 pm
  1. 2ironking

    I would have to agree with this in it’s entirety. Fratting is a lifestyle, I mean, what else would they list it under? Get real folks, this jargon isn’t anything special.

    12 years ago at 9:08 pm
    1. Red State Frat Star

      Whooah woah woah time the fuck out. 2ironking where is all this punctuation coming from? That’s not like you.

      12 years ago at 8:53 am
  2. Obamawearscargos

    There’s only one way FIRSTpostOX can comment first on so many TFM’s….he works for TFM!!!!

    12 years ago at 11:43 pm
    1. WhoDatFrat80

      Damn man now I hate my android. Let me just hop in the iPhone bandwagon and be like fucking everyone else who bitches about their Apple products. You can all go suck a diseased dick

      12 years ago at 6:32 pm
    2. TheGentleman1845

      ^Hopping on a bandwagon or owning what’s the best out there? I’ll take my iPhone.

      12 years ago at 10:07 pm
    3. WhoDatFrat80

      Good one A_Fifth_of_Fuck_Off. Phones and Politics aren’t synonymous, but I guess in this case since iPhones fuck up all the time they would be considered the Liberal fucks.

      12 years ago at 12:18 pm
  3. QuintanaBreeze

    I remember the good ol’ days when I could go on TFM’s site and even for a brief while when I got the iPhone app and when I got there I could check the posts, photos, columns and then go on to read funny/hateful/lighthearted comments. Today it’s a different story. Troll accounts that are essentially parasites. I’m probably not alone in saying that while the site content is solid, a lot of the reason we check the site out is for the interaction and comment section (comments use to be hilarious to read and the put downs were hilarious). Now it’s the same script every time: 1. Troll posts 2. Laundry list of “chug bleach” comments 3. A couple comments of old applauding or ripping apart the content 4. Troll 5. Troll. Is it ever going to be back to what made it more enjoyable?

    12 years ago at 12:42 pm