George Strait is singing at my parents anniversary next month. TFM.

    1. Sir Frats-a-lot

      Second. Though I don’t think he ever pledged, I feel it’s appropriate to grant him honorary fratstar status anyway.

      14 years ago at 4:15 pm
    1. Kentucky Wildfrat

      Please go back to the kitchen and don’t hate on the greatest country singer of all time

      14 years ago at 6:20 pm
    2. Fratter Than YOU

      Talking shit about George Strait…NOT FRAT. Sweetheart, speak when spoken to.

      14 years ago at 9:47 pm
  1. bullshit

    yeh shutup you gdi douche bag, kentucky blows balls exspecially the frats so we all know george strait wouldnt waste his time singing for some ” horse trainer assistance” aka “GDI” if that lucky. That being mentioned because you live in kentucky, hopefully someone in your family does something with horses otherwise you have no buisness living their.

    14 years ago at 6:21 pm
    1. Rand Paul 2010

      Clearly, you don’t know what you are talking about. I will look past your terrible grammar and spelling, and address the issue at heart. Kentucky (Lexington, specifically) is the horse capital of the world – some places have horse tracks, but we have Keeneland and the Equestrian Games. Also, in 1964 The Federal Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits stated that bourbon is an exclusive product of the Commonwealth, but I’ll bet that you are a Mike’s Hard Lemonade guy since Kentucky ‘blows balls’ and bourbon MUST be GDI. And you know those cigarettes you smoke and dip you pack? Probably grown in or around Kentucky. So before you go on some tangent about the Bluegrass state (I can only imagine that you are from Ohio, New Jersey, or somewhere equally as non-fratty) stop projecting your inefficiencies as a man on this state before we send John Calipari up to wherever it is above the Mason Dixon line you live and beat the dog shit out of your school. God Bless birthplace of Jefferson Davis.

      PS – Doesn’t 48% of America’s electricity come from coal? Wonder where America gets its coal?

      14 years ago at 10:42 am
    2. frat and natty

      BROV1 is a total GDI you can tell. The north is NF and its been that way forever

      14 years ago at 3:13 pm