Dressing like I sail, but jumping onto my 60 ft. SeaRay. TFM.

  1. williamRAPERkennedy

    Yeah WMU, i bet you frat pretty fucking hard in your affliction T’s and cargo shorts.

    14 years ago at 5:30 pm
    1. Polo RL

      I know that people 100% do srat. I’ve been there a few times and quite a few greeks do.

      14 years ago at 11:46 pm
  2. 1848bigEAST

    50′ post sport fish is the family fishing boat. taking off time in high school to bring it up the intercoastal waterway from Florida to Maryland. TFM

    14 years ago at 5:55 pm
  3. GWB

    Way to have an ugly ass boat. It’s about class and function not going as fast as possible.

    14 years ago at 11:03 pm
  4. brady broke

    If your parents can buy a 60 ft searay, but cant get you into a school other than western, you have bigger things to worry about.

    14 years ago at 11:10 pm
  5. fratburry brothers

    yeah you may want to step into something that will make it across the gulf stream and then when your ready maybe something with outriggers so you can catch your first fish

    14 years ago at 10:45 pm