white moose cafe ireland dining room

This Café Requires A Doctor’s Note for Gluten-Free Orders, Has Impeccable Social Media

white moose cafe ireland dining room

Social media is a wonderful source of entertainment for anyone with a sense of humor. Funny people around the world have given us wonders like Arthur memes, Trigglypuff, and the memory of a brave gorilla. Of course, a lot of people are sorely lacking in the humor department. For all the types who can laugh at some borderline offensive gold, there are just as many that feel the need to rain on everyone’s parade. It honestly makes the whole thing funnier, something that can clearly be seen with a quick visit to The White Moose Café’s Facebook page. A few days ago, the Dublin café took a stand against the gluten-free fad with a pretty clear warning.

This is a pretty excellent train of thought if you ask me. There are people that just can’t have gluten, and there’s no need to keep them from having a good meal. Then, there are assholes who want to be in on the new “it” topic. Why go without all that delicious gluten if you don’t have a legitimate medical condition? As you can see from the comments, the butt hurt came out in spades. Not an establishment to be swayed, the café fired back with serious heat.

This isn’t the first time White Moose has gone “social media Meg Ryan” (what a fucking term) either. Last year, they dropped the hammer on vegans.

Anyone that has worked at a bar or restaurant has had to deal with that look of complete and utter shock when a visiting vegan realizes there are burgers on the menu. The White Moose is just giving those pussies a heads up in advance. Saintly move to all those poor, fragile herbivores, but of course they aren’t grateful. They never are.

Let this be a lesson to any establishment looking to take their social media game to the next level. Professionalism is a wildly overrated trait, especially when you’re a Dublin joint that deals in delicious food. All those hipster joints can cater to the trendy eaters of the world, but if you’re on the lookout for some red meat tucked between two gluteny buns, look no further than this gem of the Emerald Isle.

Sign me the hell up, Paul. It looks like Whataburger just met their social media match.

[via Facebook]

Image via Facebook

    1. John C. Calhoun

      One of my immediate family members suffers from celiac disease and the fact that more people now are eating gluten free has helped them out a lot. More restaurants and grocery stores now carry a lot more products that are gluten free which has made my family members life a lot easier so keep that in mind before you crucify someone for eating gluten-free.

      8 years ago at 8:00 am
      1. John C. Calhoun

        Luckily for your pathetic ass survival of the fittest no longer applies to humans.

        8 years ago at 11:36 am
      2. Theregalrattle

        Is there a upper, lower, and middle class? I’d say I’m pretty sure it exists

        8 years ago at 1:19 pm
      3. John C. Calhoun

        That is completely irrelevant. You’re an idiot if you think you just made a solid point.

        8 years ago at 3:36 pm
  1. Reasonable_man

    I tend to demand gluten free vagina. Other than that – I’ll run the risk of a little wheat product in my food.

    8 years ago at 5:04 pm
  2. Salmon_Shorts13

    Headline: Liberals still under the assumption that because a private business provides a service they are obligated to serve you to your smallest whim.

    8 years ago at 5:09 pm
  3. Tyrion_Lannister

    About time you stumbled across these guys. Pretty solid agenda they have going.

    8 years ago at 5:24 pm
  4. Fratty_Roosevelt

    I’m only a first year medical student and I even know how to treat thyroiditis. Crazy ass lady must need to see a real doctor.

    8 years ago at 5:31 pm
    1. Gun_Slinger

      If you can type in ‘webmd.com’ then you can figure out how to treat it. There, I just saved you $200k in tuition.

      8 years ago at 6:39 pm
  5. HurricaneSzn

    Karl you are the one bright shining light this website has left, keep on keepin’ on.

    8 years ago at 8:52 pm
  6. FratsAndStats

    dumb or not, its stupid to do this, gfree food is way more expensive so you can charge more and make more money which is the whole point… if people are stupid thats their problem

    8 years ago at 9:02 pm