White Sox Give Away White Ponchos, Inadvertently Turn Stadium Into A Klan Rally

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I always find it hilarious when a large organization somehow approves an inevitably disastrous idea. It makes you wonder how, somewhere along the line, not one person raised his hand and questioned the decision. Maybe these people were too scared to question their corporate executives. Maybe they knew good and well how terrible the idea was, but they enjoy seeing the media eat their dickhead bosses alive. It’s always a crapshoot as to how these ideas make it from paper to production, but when they do, it’s a glorious occasion.

Somehow, the White Sox came to the conclusion that handing out white ponchos with pointed hoods before their game against the Los Angeles Angels last week was a solid idea. I mean, a stadium full of fans wearing white, robe-like ponchos with pointed hoods can’t possibly cause any harm, right?

Sure enough, it began to rain during the game. The fans put on their ponchos and turned the stadium into quite the hilarious spectacle.

If you haven’t quite figured out where this is going, here are some pictures to help you out.

Someone on the White Sox’s promotional staff, without a doubt, fucked it hard.

Thanks for the screw up, boys. Your failure helped make my Monday morning slightly less miserable.

[via Twitter]

Image via Twitter

  1. Teddy Fucking Roosevelt

    Seems to me companies could avoid these kinds of mishaps if they merely rounded the point on the hood. It’s Goddamned plastic. It isn’t that hard.

    11 years ago at 9:41 am
  2. Rusty_Shackleford

    I’m sure the White Sox organization will have to send out thousands of apologies to people who get butt hurt over this. This nation is becoming so pussified.

    11 years ago at 9:50 am
      1. Roadkill Rager

        I mean, the Sox are on the south side so I wouldn’t want to be walking around with the poncho on after the game.

        11 years ago at 10:50 pm
      2. Car Dick

        I wouldn’t want to walk around with a Sox poncho on the north side either.

        Wrigleyville can be unforgiving to those who have made a poor choice of affiliation.

        11 years ago at 3:10 pm
  3. Dick_Nixon

    My question is why do people get so bent out of shape over stupid shit and automatically revert back to the race card and assume everything is intended to be racist… I’m sure some people would find a way to be offended regardless of what color the ponchos were.

    11 years ago at 9:51 am
    1. HouseChef_TFM

      Speaking of bent out of shape, TFM Staff, why are you deleting people’s comments (my own included) that feature gifs of the KKK and other “borderline offensive” material. My gif was of the South Park KKK meeting where they played “What’s Under the Robe?” and you guys deleted it right away. This site is gradually becoming more liberal and its beginning to show.

      11 years ago at 10:44 am
      1. TotaldavemovePhialfa

        Deleting profanity makes them more conservative. Do you know what liberal means. Read a god damned book.

        11 years ago at 10:53 am
      2. moeburn

        “Liberal” means to liberate, to eliminate restrictive and oppressive laws. “Conservative” means to conserve the old traditions, including such laws.
        Don’t forget it was the liberals who fought for your right to burn an American flag when the conservatives wanted to infringe on our first amendment right to burn it.

        11 years ago at 8:44 pm
      3. moeburn

        Wow, people have gotten verbally assaulted by so many vicarious offended-warriors that they think this is one of those articles.

        This is NOT a guy saying “shame!” and wagging his finger and saying he’s offended. He’s saying “hey, you made my team look like idiots”.

        11 years ago at 8:46 pm
      4. moeburn

        That is literally the opposite of what “liberal” means. Do you happen to own a dictionary called “The Conservative Dictionary”?

        11 years ago at 8:47 pm
    2. JustForTheStory

      I don’t think anyone is getting bent out of shape because this was clearly an accident. It’s more of wondering how not one person involved didn’t raise his or hand and point out, “Hey boss, we kind of look like we’re holding a clan rally.”

      11 years ago at 12:22 pm
    3. JudgeFraterson

      Pretty sure the coloreds of the southside of Chicago didn’t even mind because they were entirely too busy off killing each other.

      11 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. HouseChef_TFM

      The south side is predominantly made up of minorities. If the Cubs did this and you commented “It’s the north side of Chicago what do you expect” then it’d be a little bit better, I guess. All-in-all this comment just isn’t good . . .

      11 years ago at 9:57 am
  4. NotDevryGuy

    It’s funny, because US Cellular Field is on the south side with a large black population.

    11 years ago at 9:56 am
  5. Not_A_TKE

    You know, the poncho giveaway promotion could have been swung in an entirely different racial direction…

    11 years ago at 10:21 am