White Sox Give Away White Ponchos, Inadvertently Turn Stadium Into A Klan Rally

Screen Shot 2014-07-06 at 6.51.46 PM

I always find it hilarious when a large organization somehow approves an inevitably disastrous idea. It makes you wonder how, somewhere along the line, not one person raised his hand and questioned the decision. Maybe these people were too scared to question their corporate executives. Maybe they knew good and well how terrible the idea was, but they enjoy seeing the media eat their dickhead bosses alive. It’s always a crapshoot as to how these ideas make it from paper to production, but when they do, it’s a glorious occasion.

Somehow, the White Sox came to the conclusion that handing out white ponchos with pointed hoods before their game against the Los Angeles Angels last week was a solid idea. I mean, a stadium full of fans wearing white, robe-like ponchos with pointed hoods can’t possibly cause any harm, right?

Sure enough, it began to rain during the game. The fans put on their ponchos and turned the stadium into quite the hilarious spectacle.

If you haven’t quite figured out where this is going, here are some pictures to help you out.

Someone on the White Sox’s promotional staff, without a doubt, fucked it hard.

Thanks for the screw up, boys. Your failure helped make my Monday morning slightly less miserable.

[via Twitter]

Image via Twitter

  1. CrowdWorthy » Someone’s Getting Fired: The White Sox’ Poncho Giveaway Turned The Stadium Into A KKK Rally (Photos)

    […] Total Frat Move, Photo Courtesy: […]

    10 years ago at 3:39 pm
  2. The White Sox' Poncho Giveaway Turned The Stadium Into A KKK Rally (Photos) | Tsangg

    […] Total Frat Move, Photo Courtesy: […]

    10 years ago at 4:45 pm
  3. What-Were-Ya-Thinkin'? Of The Day » Black & Right

    […] White Sox Give Away White Ponchos, Inadvertently Turn Stadium Into A Klan Rally We needed a good laugh this morning… […]

    10 years ago at 8:37 am
  4. snic104049

    I signed up for this website specifically to comment on this article to let you know that is PURE CRAP. What a waste of internet. Total Garbage.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm
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    […] Also in sports: Don’t let your MLB game get rained out, turn it into a KKK rally […]

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    […] start an Indiana White Expo…Think I'll get sued? Too late – they recently had one in Chicago. Total Frat Move | White Sox Give Away White Ponchos, Inadvertently Turn Stadium Into A Klan Rally Reply With […]

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  7. The Internet Snuck A Dick Butt Into UPS’ New Logo On A Formula One Car - How To Be Greek

    […] favorite marketing implosion was the White Sox failing to foreshadow the possible repercussions of distributing white, hooded ponchos to every fan in attendance on a night filled with rain. It’s astonishing that not one person saw either of those as potential PR […]

    9 years ago at 9:58 am
  8. antodav

    You have to literally be looking for racism under every rock and bush to see this and automatically think “OMG KLAN RALLY!!!!!1111”

    8 years ago at 6:50 am