Why You Shouldn’t Care About The 2016 Election


The 2016 election is the biggest piece of trash the American media machine has squeezed out in a long time. Usually, I’ve got no problem voting the thin red party line, even if the candidate eats babies. Screw Team Blue, am I right?

But 2016 is different. 2016 is the end of American politics as we know it. I’m going to let you in on a little secret the GOP and DNC don’t want you to think about: No matter who is elected in 2016, America is fucked.

Do you know why?


We no longer have a say in who runs our country. Money does. The greatest country on Earth has been reduced to choosing its leaders based on the lesser of two evils. By “lesser of two evils,” I mean “the candidate who doesn’t smile while sucking Satan’s dick.” The fact that it’s down to Trump or Hillary makes us all look very dumb as voting citizens. One of these two turds will stain the porcelain throne of America forever.

This election is a heavyweight smash-fest between a thoroughly used Fleshlight and a dildo with dead, corroded batteries. In the Blue corner! Hillary, the personification of pure evil and corporate whoredom. In the Red corner! Trump, the Fukushima of finance and champion of all things stupid.

I honestly can’t believe this shit is real. Such a perfect blend of comedy and tragedy. The two choices are at opposite extremes of horrible and neither one deserves to be on the ballot. I’m disgusted that this is what my great nation has devolved into.

This is not the first time the GOP has fumbled in the redzone. They can’t seem to pull a decent candidate out of their clown car primary system and the Donald has trumped even the GOP this time around. The GOP still desperately clings to creepy Ted serial killer Cruz. At least Bernie bit the bullet and finally endorsed Hillary (the plan all along).

Cruz, Kasich, and Bush are still playing tug-o-war with each other’s dongs in hopes that Trump will drop out in the final hour because his presidential campaign is just a scam to triple his net worth by selling a bunch of dumb Trump paraphernalia to trailer park people. I feel completely alienated as a Republican. My party offers me no reprieve and they leave me with Trump as my champion in the fight against the great dragon. WTF is this bullshit, GOP? Why have you forsaken me?

This whole election is a circle jerk that’s manifested into reality. Luckily, I have faith that neither of these puppets really matter. If elected, Trump would just turn America into Trump TV and Hillary would get morbidly obese from sucking SuperPAC dick all day long. That’s it. Nothing else will happen. Business will go on as usual because business runs everything, especially governments.

The people who really run things are making a wager for 2016. That’s what this election is all about. They’re testing the limits of what we’ll tolerate. They’re checking to see how dumb we really are. We’re heavily armed, after all. We’re not a people that historically tolerates a high degree of government fuckery.

The two parties are just two arms of the same puppeteer, keeping us endlessly distracted in the illusory conflict of bullshit politics.

This election is proof that we don’t need paid-off politics anymore. It’s proof that both parties are incompetent — or worse — corrupt to the core. Neither party represents anything that matters anymore. It’s all the same Citizens United blood money.

This election is going to be a supernova of voter alienation. Half the left hates Hillary and half the right hates Trump. The aftermath of this electoral shit storm will tear a schism so deep into both parties, the stupidity will echo throughout elections to come.

In the vacuum created between red and blue, a real third party will finally have room to get its shit together. They are our only hope for any kind of unbiased government in the future. At the very least, a third party would force the GOP and DNC to offer real, meaningful candidates. The trend of choosing the lesser of two evils has got to end. The trend of corporate campaign control has got to go. Trendy private interests are ruining this country.

The 2016 election is unimportant in the present, but infinitely valuable for the future. 2016 will set the stage of hatred necessary to propel a third party into inevitable relevance. In November, I’m voting for Gary Johnson, not because I particularly give a shit about Gary Johnson, but because I hate him the least out of all the possible candidates. If this is how we’re gonna pick our shit, so be it. I choose the least of three evils.

I’d rather use my vote as an act of faith for an alternative, any alternative. I can’t vote for Hillary or Trump and sleep at night, so I guess voting for Johnson is better than not voting at all. A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for None of the Above. I also like him because he openly calls trump a pussy.

If the Republicans ever want my vote again, they need to fucking earn it. They’ve been taking my votes for granted and I’m sick of it. They obviously didn’t listen to me last time.

I’m voting with my conscience this time, which tells me to avoid electing huge sacks of shit to positions of power. I hate Trump. I really fucking hate Hillary. I can tolerate Gary Johnson.

2016: Vote for tolerance, not hate.

Image via Shutterstock

      1. Cory_and_Trevor

        Im pretty sure its a troll given his name is boris, that being said if you vote jill stein I hope the tree you’ve chained yourself to gets bulldozed and all thats left of you is your pink mohawk

        9 years ago at 12:59 pm
  1. Knuttyexpress

    Why you should care: You have the god damn right to vote. Other countries around the world are sucking cocks of dictatorships and monarchies

    9 years ago at 11:47 am
    1. CanadianB4C0N

      I know I’m gonna get eviscerated for this but does it not piss you off that people who can’t even pass a citizenship test have the right to decide who runs the country we all live in?

      9 years ago at 2:31 pm
      1. Brother Gumby

        Only as much as it pisses me off that people who drop out of high school also get to.

        9 years ago at 5:31 pm
      2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Probably an unpopular opinion on this site, but we really should make becoming a citizen a lot easier than it is. That shit takes years to complete, I would know, my dad immigrated here from Ireland, and nearly got deported when I was 3. As long as you keep making sure they’re not terrorists, I don’t see the problem with making the path to citizenship easier. The government benefits because they get taxes from them, and they benefit because they get to be citizens. Just my 2 cents, I’ll take my laps now.

        9 years ago at 9:49 pm
      3. Brother Gumby

        Nah, no laps, most of us on here are actually logical people who agree.

        9 years ago at 6:48 am
  2. Skylark_17

    Geeds blindly endorse Gary Johnson just to try and be cool.

    These libtards wouldn’t support him once they actually learn of his ideas regarding economic reform. I’m a South Park republican and I lean libertarian most of the time but I know most of these boners wouldn’t like the idea of cutting entitlements and completely eliminating corporate income tax.


    9 years ago at 11:48 am
    1. Skylark_17

      Johnson’s statements regarding economic reform might be radical and vague but I do support him. I would vote for him if I thought he had a chance

      9 years ago at 11:50 am
      1. Four twenty yolo

        As a libertarian, he’s one of the few libertarian candidates that doesn’t make us look like basement dwelling, conspiracy theory loving crazies. And most of his economic and political policies aim to ween off the status quo at a gradual level

        9 years ago at 11:58 am
      2. Cory_and_Trevor

        Agreed i think its the perfect situation though. While some of Johnson’s ideas are slightly radical (The “FairTax” is completely impractical) his growing support will give credence to the idea of a small government, individual liberty candidate in the future, provided Trump hasn’t started world war 3 by then

        9 years ago at 1:05 pm
      3. mosthonorableactive

        If you aren’t in a potential swing state that’s polling really close come election time, the odds of your vote deciding the election are essentially zero. Therefore, there is no reason to base your vote entirely on a candidate’s chances, or because you want to keep one candidate out of office slightly more than the other one. You may as well just vote for the person you most agree with

        9 years ago at 1:25 pm
      4. CanadianB4C0N

        Vote for him anyway! Even if he doesn’t win it takes him swinging one state either way for the major parties to look at his supporters and say “holy fucking shitballs we need to listen to these people.” THAT IS A WIN! They want us to vote for a “lesser evil” based on fear? Let’s use their fear of losing their jobs to force them to be American as opposed to Republican or Democrat. A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote telling the major parties to drop their cocks and serve the American people as George Motherfucking Washington intended!

        9 years ago at 2:37 pm
      5. Brother Gumby

        Yeah no that just makes both sides think you’re a douchebag bud, just ask Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. No one listened to them after the election, we just hated them.

        9 years ago at 5:36 pm
    2. GodHatesFigs

      If we could cut federal spending to the point where we can pay down the national debt with little to zero federal corporate taxes, I don’t see why we wouldn’t. It’s just a matter of getting to that point

      9 years ago at 12:10 pm
  3. Fratstarbator

    have of this i could relate to, the other half read like someone who writes conspiracy theories to me. im starting to feel like were all just equally as confused when it comes to politics, and its just become a popular this to say “this election is a shit show” we forget that we vote trump and hillary to become the front runners. they obviously had our faith up to this point. im not sure why theres so much animosity towards trump. i support him simply because he believes we need to take car of ourselves first: punishing manufactures building over seas, id be happy to buy nile and apple products made here. and limiting our boreder from everyone not just mexicans.. he seems like something we may need at the moment. i also support that he did this from outside the political system everyone bitches about politicians bwing corrupt, then we get someone not from within the political system and we bitch that hes unqualified. Cant have it both ways.

    9 years ago at 11:53 am
    1. Skylark_17

      You make some good points but I urge you to work on your writing. You won’t be taken very seriously if you don’t even look over your gigantic paragraph at least once

      9 years ago at 11:56 am
  4. Hoosier_SNU

    You know what? I’m staying home. I hate Hillary more than words can express and Trump will cause a nuclear war from his half baked, semi-autistic thoughts. We are fucked either way.

    9 years ago at 12:36 pm
    1. Cory_and_Trevor

      don’t stay home, go and vote for reasonable candidates down the ticket. The democrats are counting on people like us staying home because of Trump, and think they can win back the senate and close the gap in the house. If Hillary wins, theres a big difference between Hillary with a democratic congress and a republican congress.

      9 years ago at 1:11 pm
      1. Hoosier_SNU

        Trevor, you twiggy alien-armed fuck, you are right. I was just expressing my frustrated. I would rather see 4 years of republican congress than a democrat one. Even if that bitch wins she won’t get shit done and I can wait another 4 years until Paul Ryan runs. Until then give me some smokes!

        9 years ago at 1:36 pm
  5. Corn1845

    Labeling your opponent a pussy when your last name is another word for a dick. TJohnsonM.

    9 years ago at 12:57 pm