Why Your Fraternity Sucks: Kappa Alpha Order

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Some people are brothers of Kappa Alpha Order. But many, many more people are NOT brothers of Kappa Alpha Order. This TFM rush preview is for those in the latter group.

Fraternity: Kappa Alpha Order.

Can you feel that? The tension in the office is absolutely electric. Just how far do I want to take this one? If I threw a rock in any direction here at TFM, I’d hit a KA squarely in the dome, most of whom are my direct superiors. Do I value my job or do I go scorched earth on this organization full of whitewashed Wrangler wearing, “Dixie” singing, jacked-up Ford Raptor driving try-hards? Fuck it, I’m too pot committed at this point.

I can see Dave in legal is visibly distraught with me tackling his beloved fraternity. He’s psychotically rocking back and forth sitting by the phone just waiting to field the inevitable call from “The Order’s” national headquarters. This could be it, guys. If you never hear from me again, it’s been a pleasure.


KA is 122 Chapters of mostly suburban middle-class white kids who traded in their American Eagle hoodies for some Carhartt Rugged Flex jackets after “connecting” with southern culture through country music at the end of their junior year of high school (Texas country, not that “radio-pop” bullshit), despite never firing a gun or baiting a hook. They purchase some Red Wing boots, watch YouTube videos on how to pack a passable lip, head to fraternity rush, and share completely fictional stories about spending summers growing up on their family’s nonexistent ranch herding cattle.

Those that finagle their way in through the cracks and become brothers of KA are then in charge of recruiting, and since they’re completely full of shit themselves, they can’t sort the authentic southerners from the fraudulent kids from the burbs, and it’s one giant clusterfuck cycle that exponentially dilutes the system.


Originally as Phi Kappa Chi on December 21, 1865 at Washington and Lee University by a former confederate soldier and his band of teenage brothers — one of whom was 15 years old. Frat. About half a year later, the Virginia Beta chapter of Phi Kappa Psi bitched about how eerily similar the name was to their organization, so a spineless James Ward Wood pulled a total puss move, caved in, and changed the name of the fraternity to KA on a whim. Didn’t people use to duel over shit like this? That would have been the move here, Jimmy. If you win, you keep the name, and if you lose, well, then it’s really none of your concern anymore.

Robert E. Lee, who was actually the president of then Washington College after the war, is considered the “Spiritual Founder” of the fraternity. Now if you’ve read up on the kind of gentleman Lee actually was, basing your values on his philosophies is actually something I can’t eviscerate. However, using the words “Spiritual Founder” is laughably horrendous. Using that type of terminology should strictly be for basic, gluten-free, yoga instructors who peddle Bath and Body Works products as a side project, not a 150-year-old secret society.

That would be like calling the president of your national headquarters something like Lord Commander of the Knights Watch or some lame ass Game of Thrones ripoff. What’s that? The head of KA is actually referred to as Knight Commander? I’ll just show myself the door.

Famous Brothers:

Zach Brown, Brandt Snedeker, along with that bleached jizz mop atop of his pasty mug, and of course, the one and only Dillon Cheverere, aka Roger Dorn, aka my direct boss. Where do I even begin? Dealing with Dillon on a daily basis, I can confirm he is the worst human being to grace this planet. A complete sociopath. Just this morning, after looking into an office mirror where he no doubt just got done doing his best Buffalo Bill impression, he complained about how much of a curse it was to have such luscious, thick, can-hardly-put-a-comb-through locks to one of our fellow balding, self-conscious coworkers. Later on in the day, he brewed himself a cup of coffee and left the Keurig bone dry, uttering “Not my problem” as he shoulder bumped me on the way out of the break room.

Dillon is the type of guy who orders a burger at a world renowned steakhouse. When you ask him to grab a case of beer on the way to tailgate, he shows up with a bottle of white zinfandel. He’ll spend 45 minutes looking for his drive that was clearly hit in the woods, and then miraculously find it barely in the rough. “Tree must have kicked it out.” He prefers handjobs to blowjobs, Internet Explorer to Google Chrome, and the Big Bang Theory to Breaking Bad. The worst part is, he’s delusional enough to think this is all acceptable behavior. That everyone will just overlook such clear violations against society and not say anything about it. Well today, I’m finally stepping up to the plate.

From The Horse’s Mouth

Brother Matt:

When our house caught on fire last year one of my fraternity brothers claimed he tried to piss it out on the news. Needless to say our parents were proud to see what their money has been going towards. “When in doubt, piss it out.”

Brother John:

We like to set the bar high here at KA. Currently 40 of our chapters are suspended. Top that, other frats.

Brother Jacob:

The fact of the matter is nobody really likes you when you love Robert E. Lee.

The Definitive Reason Why Your Fraternity Sucks:


Wanna be part of the next fraternity rush preview? It’s simple. Just email me at [email protected] and give me ample evidence of why your fraternity sucks: personal anecdotes, encounters with other chapters, etc. I’ll throw any good material into the post and give you proper credit. Next up: Sigma Chi

In case you missed the others:




    1. SphincteralMicturation

      I actually legitimately thought he was a PIKE all this time. Genuinely surprised.

      9 years ago at 8:33 am
  1. Henry_Eighth

    “He came in late one afternoon hot from football practice and raided the Kappa Alpha icebox. He also ate a dozen bananas and washed ’em down with a pint of whiskey. An hour later he was dead. It wasn’t sad at all.” – from Go Set a Watchman

    9 years ago at 6:56 am
    1. FratensteinsMonster

      Holy shit its Hank Rearden. Any more room in Galt’s Gulch for me?

      9 years ago at 7:50 am
      1. Bluto_Brotarsky

        I’m not quite sure if anyone else will get the reference. In fact I doubt it.

        9 years ago at 8:02 am
      2. Presidente

        “I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” -John Galt

        9 years ago at 10:29 am
      3. FratensteinsMonster

        You were right. It’s a shame because anyone who claims to be an informed conservative should have a basic knowledge of the book, even if they don’t want to go through the very long task of reading it.

        9 years ago at 7:32 pm
      1. katalyst

        Dorn probably wrote it and just posted it as a Dan Regs original. I was tipped off when the was an emphasis on pointing out that one of the founders was only 15. Surprised it had no mention of Megan’s Law in there, I assumed there would be a court order requiring him to do that.

        9 years ago at 9:01 am
    1. Donald Frater

      Yeah this was easily the weakest of the four. TKE one was the best in my opinion.

      9 years ago at 11:07 am
    1. ZeteNJ

      As soon as he said it was some full grown adult with a group of young boys, I knew this was the only fraternity Dorno could’ve joined. It all makes sense.

      9 years ago at 10:31 am
      1. ThursdayNightClub

        An excellent point which UMaverick already stated … start stretching …

        9 years ago at 10:45 am
  2. Texas Tux and Oil

    As a KA this is all 100% accurate and no one would have guessed otherwise.

    9 years ago at 7:28 am
    1. Texas Tux and Oil

      And also how do you leave out that General George S. fucking Patton was a KA, same with Ben Crenshaw.

      9 years ago at 9:43 am
      1. Texas Tux and Oil

        My bad Dan, I forgot we sucked today, I hope Dillion back hands the shit out of you as he leaves work at 11.

        9 years ago at 10:16 am
      2. A Well Known Result

        Dude, Danny Regs is your classic Philly Troll. All of this should be expected when you end up in his crosshairs.

        9 years ago at 10:19 am
      3. General_Longstreet

        Are you fucking kidding me? Homegrown is pop bullshit. It does not compare at all to Jolene, Chicken Fried, Toes, Knee Deep, etc

        9 years ago at 1:45 pm
      4. DXorDIE

        Which is why he said in years. All of those songs came out when most college students were in middle school.

        9 years ago at 5:10 pm
      5. George Dickel

        Hate to break it to you but 90% of radio country music is “pop shit”.

        9 years ago at 6:09 pm
  3. ANatural

    If you would have just posted the picture at the top I would have thought you were writing about TKE again.

    9 years ago at 7:48 am
  4. Sir Fratinald

    Oh yah all you highschoolers reading this trust me you don’t wanna join KA! I mean for gosh sakes they follow the gentlemanly Lee and love the confederate flags and Mr. Obama said that’s racist so it must be right?

    9 years ago at 8:05 am
    1. SP1897

      The entire fucking chapter at my school looked like a factory for Chacos and bowl cuts, so there’s a start.

      9 years ago at 2:39 pm
  5. William F Wallace

    The whole part about Dorn was easily the funniest thing I’ve seen on here in a while

    9 years ago at 8:22 am