I may sin on Saturday night, but I make up for it at the collection plate on Sunday morning. TFM.

  1. Charleston born and raised.

    God won’t forgive your sins just because you give money to the church. Just throwin that out there.

    14 years ago at 12:34 am
  2. seriously?

    you can’t buy your forgiveness, you idiot. please take some of your excessive amounts of money and buy yourself a bible that you’ll actually read.

    14 years ago at 1:08 am
  3. Planned Parenthood

    you should set aside about 400 of those dollars…i came inside you last night.

    14 years ago at 2:11 am
  4. Truthwillsetyoufree

    Money won’t buy forgiveness. It is only by the blood of Jesus that our sins can be forgiven.

    14 years ago at 2:42 am
  5. whatajoke

    I hope you’re kidding. Money won’t pay for your sins. That’s what Jesus was for. He gave his LIFE for you, so your sins could be forgiven. The only way you can be saved is to believe in the salvation that his death offered and to begin a real relationship with God.

    14 years ago at 4:18 am
  6. Fratcademy

    as much as i respect, W was once referred to as man that “was the same person on saturday night as he was on sunday morning,” after his days at yale. high five.

    14 years ago at 5:52 am