Your brother wearing his combat fatigues to your America Party, because some flag shirt just doesn't cut it. TFM. Rgeisert94TFM11 years ago
Channel4NewsTeam And a mustache-less beard that would make any Amish man proud 11 years ago at 1:25 pm
Fratbob Khakipants I’m actually surprised the amish kid let them take his picture 11 years ago at 2:05 pm
US_Fraternity_Marine No. For one those haven’t been worn in a long time. Two, there isn’t a name tag or branch of service stitched on them. 11 years ago at 2:02 pm
TossMeABronson For the record name, rank, and branch are supposed to be removed upon separation. 11 years ago at 10:24 pm
Devil n A Saint Those stopped being issued years ago, so I will still call bullshit. 11 years ago at 7:10 am
BillyQuantrill Those fatigues are from Desert Storm. You know, the war that occurred before the doctor botched your abortion. 11 years ago at 3:02 pm
frat_hitler Clearly from the ’50s, not Desert storm you ignorant, stupid asshole. Talk about botched abortions 11 years ago at 9:40 pm
BillyQuantrill ^Desert camo wasn’t issued until the early 1980’s. Shit a knife, get AIDS, and die. No particular order. 11 years ago at 5:34 pm
Old Virginia Wasn’t even the Desert Storm “chocolate chip pattern” this is the same DCUs that were worn when we invaded Iraq in 2003 11 years ago at 7:17 pm
Cpl to KS The last time those were issued was in ’05 to rear echelon units, and that was in the Marines where we get the leftovers anyways 11 years ago at 12:20 am
Cpl to KS Not to mention they look in really good shape to have seen much action…and by that I mean not at all 11 years ago at 12:21 am
APinfantrybro1897 Our chapter director wore these early in OIF like 2003. If this guy did serve, POG 11 years ago at 11:09 pm
I call bullshit
11 years ago at 12:48 pmAnd a mustache-less beard that would make any Amish man proud
11 years ago at 1:25 pmI’m actually surprised the amish kid let them take his picture
11 years ago at 2:05 pmNo. For one those haven’t been worn in a long time. Two, there isn’t a name tag or branch of service stitched on them.
11 years ago at 2:02 pmFor the record name, rank, and branch are supposed to be removed upon separation.
11 years ago at 10:24 pmThose stopped being issued years ago, so I will still call bullshit.
11 years ago at 7:10 amThose fatigues are from Desert Storm. You know, the war that occurred before the doctor botched your abortion.
11 years ago at 3:02 pmClearly from the ’50s, not Desert storm you ignorant, stupid asshole. Talk about botched abortions
11 years ago at 9:40 pm^Desert camo wasn’t issued until the early 1980’s. Shit a knife, get AIDS, and die. No particular order.
11 years ago at 5:34 pmWasn’t even the Desert Storm “chocolate chip pattern” this is the same DCUs that were worn when we invaded Iraq in 2003
11 years ago at 7:17 pmTry harder please
11 years ago at 6:00 pmNice chin strap, try hard. BALLED
11 years ago at 12:22 pmThe last time those were issued was in ’05 to rear echelon units, and that was in the Marines where we get the leftovers anyways
11 years ago at 12:20 amNot to mention they look in really good shape to have seen much action…and by that I mean not at all
11 years ago at 12:21 amOur chapter director wore these early in OIF like 2003. If this guy did serve, POG
11 years ago at 11:09 pm