All Greek Apollo 11 crew raging in space and claiming the moon for the USA. TFM.

  1. Brother Brad

    1. The Corps of Cadets in itself is considered a fraternity, maybe not a real one like the rest of us but one indeed.

    2. Although there are none today, at one point there were fraternities at West Point. (example- Phi Delta Theta)

    3. As you may not know, you can pledge a fraternity at a school that you do not necessarily go to, its not an uncommon practice to go to the closest greek system if your school is lacking one.

    4. There are honor based fraternities in various officer training school branch wide, Air Force has Arnold Air and there is also the Scabbard and Blade with is multi-branch.

    5. Buzz Aldrin also attended MIT, I also believe at one point Collins was in a wrestling fraternity? Not sure about that one.

    I pretty much heard Apollo 11 was all greek and ran with it, didn’t check it because I thought that was awesome. After looking it’s inconclusive but definitely a possibility.

    14 years ago at 11:21 am
    1. Brother Brad


      he got his doctorate in astronautics from MIT before working for NASA

      14 years ago at 2:23 pm
    2. 1855

      I wasn’t trying to be a douche with that comment. It was a legitimate question. I’m aware that the camaraderie felt by those that attend service academies is similar to those that were in fraternities, in addition to the honors fraternities and whatnot. I just didn’t really consider those.

      14 years ago at 3:19 am
  2. Midshipbro

    Service Academies have many traditions that mirror fraternities and can be considered a fraternal order.

    14 years ago at 1:41 pm
    1. Brother Brad

      you kidding me? 4 year pledging with a several week hell week all to be considered part of the greatest brotherhood on earth? (the US military)

      hazer if you dont agree with that then you are obviously NF

      14 years ago at 7:32 am
    2. 1871

      its not a fraternity, its the military. they take anyone who signs up… maybe thats par for the course at your low tier chapter, but thats not fratty in the least.

      (obviously this does not apply for spec ops, sniper school etc)

      14 years ago at 7:17 pm
  3. havocfrat

    1855, are you an idiot..West Point in itself is one of the greatest fraternities in the USA if not world! George Washington FAF, therefore George Washington creating West Point=FAF

    14 years ago at 3:17 pm
    1. Lord Fratska

      Plus George Washington was also a Freemason.
      And every legitimate fraternity was founded by at least one mason

      14 years ago at 8:35 pm