VIDEO: Hot Blonde Destroys GDI In Debate Over The Alabama Alpha Phi Recruitment Video

GDI Gets Destroyed By Hot Blonde On Fox News Over The Alabama Alpha Phi Video

Just last week, Alabama Alpha Phi dropped a fire recruitment video that showcased all of their hot members. The video caught a lot of criticism in the national media for portraying women in the wrong light, because it was objectifying. Take a look at some of the comments one writer had to say about it:

It’s all so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying, so Stepford Wives: College Edition. It’s all so … unempowering.

The writer would also compare the recruitment video to Trump’s words on Megyn Kelly during the Republican debate. From the comparison, you’d think that this video is going to set women all the way back to the times before they could vote. Due to the controversy, Alpha Phi has removed the video from YouTube.

On a recent FOX News segment, two female contributors, Katherine Timpf (who is Greek) and Carrie Sheffield (who isn’t Greek), were asked if Alpha Phi crossed the line with the video. While Sheffield doesn’t see a problem with the video, she uses the video as an opportunity to bash Greek life as a whole. Katherine shuts her down quick.

Carrie, if you’re going to come at the Greek community, you better not miss. Katherine just wiped the floor with your argument and then poured gasoline on it and lit it on fire for good measure.

Shut it down. This argument is over. Game. Set. Match.


  1. P.G.T Beauregard

    You went to BYU lady, a school founded specifically to educate mormans. A religion that allowed for 100 years the sexual objectification of young girls for their older husbands. My fraternity raised nearly 25,000 dollars for our philanthropy this past year, and raised another 10 K for other philanthropies. You are stereotyping Greek life, but if someone makes a stereotype about another race or culture it’s immediately perceived as terrible. Like I said in a comment yesterday, stop with the double standards. If these women chose to participate in this video then so be it. Should I raise hell that there are no white people in omega psi phis step video. This is fucking stupid.

    9 years ago at 10:35 am
      1. Wooderson007

        This is probably the only time in your account’s existence you won’t be lacing up. Cherish this moment.

        9 years ago at 5:37 pm
    1. FratDaddyPhi

      Couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t know where the BYU graduate was getting her statistics from but with her education, you would think she would be a little less narrow-minded and pretentious.

      9 years ago at 11:55 am
      1. ScoochMcGooch

        You also have to remember “binge drinking” has a ridiculous definition most of the time. I’ve seen binge drinking defined as “5 or more drinks in one week, or 2 or more drinks in one day.” I don’t care what her government source is for those statistics. I know those data are laughably irrelevant.

        9 years ago at 12:38 pm
    2. RisingFratstarOfTX

      Next to Mormons, fucking EVERYONE is a binge drinker. I call bias.

      9 years ago at 3:28 pm
  2. Pineapple Pledge

    I wish Katherine was given a little more time to speak. I also want to know what the hell parts of our “binge drinking and reckless behavior” are so substantially “subsidized?” If our chapter should be getting a check in the mail with “Bid Day Party” written in the memo from the State, let me know and we can lower dues.

    9 years ago at 10:40 am
    1. Bucknuts

      I think she is trying to refer to the government loans and grants that any student is eligible for through FAFSA which is the weakest fucking argument she could have picked. Hell, “government data” probably shows that the majority of students who join greek life do not qualify for this government aid because their parents make enough money to put at least a marginal amount of food on the table.

      9 years ago at 10:51 am
  3. Bucknuts

    What’s horseshit is that she is using a “government data” argument that she would most likely turn around and cry foul if the same argument was applied to crime rates.

    9 years ago at 10:41 am
    1. djBillClinton

      She seriously used the line “data hasn’t come out yet, but it WILL support my claim!” Where the fuck does she get off. This video has made me irrationally angry

      9 years ago at 12:11 pm
  4. frat_man69

    Katherine should have mentioned that Greek life isn’t supported by taxes and grants, it’s strictly out of pocket.

    9 years ago at 10:43 am
    1. DirectionalStateU

      She’s upset that students get pell grants and subsidized loans for tuition, especially if they’re spending other money on dues and booze. However, I’d put in the upper 90th percentile of students who receive govt. aide for school party and spend money on things not associated with their education.

      9 years ago at 10:50 am
  5. BillClit-ton

    This lady obviously doesn’t understand financial aid in any respect. Literally nobody is using the fucking pell grant to pay dues.

    9 years ago at 10:45 am
  6. DirectionalStateU

    How about the finals clubs at Harvard? Grade A secret societies right there.

    9 years ago at 10:47 am
  7. Gun_Slinger

    That’s right, cause the only college students that drink and party are Greeks. Now I am enlightened.

    9 years ago at 10:51 am
  8. OozmaKappa

    The way she pronounced Alpha Phi made me cringe. I don’t get what the big deal with the recruitment video was either. I guess liberals want women to only do “empowering” stuff. I’ve watched the recruitment video several times and nothing seems offensive. Just because the girls are all beautiful and blonde doesn’t mean “forced homogeneity” and it just seems like the world has come to the point where we have reversed our shaming methods. Before, it used to be that fat ugly women were marginalized in society, but now they are suddenly “bold and beautiful” and other bullshit terms that feminists have come up with. It’s sad that women who work hard to look beautiful are now being looked down upon by liberals who say that these women are objectifying themselves and caving in to masculine demands. Whatever though, Alabama Alpha Phi has amazing girls and they should be proud of that, I find it ridiculous that they pulled down their video because others found it controversial

    9 years ago at 10:51 am
      1. ThursdayNightClub

        If she’s really a girl, I just may be in love [or lust – sometimes I can’t tell the difference].

        9 years ago at 11:06 am