Why Girls Should Not Cut Their Hair Short


None of us grew up looking at or imagining ourselves with women rocking a solid scissor fade. Still, over the past couple of years, there has been a disturbing trend spreading across gender lines: pixie cuts. Knockouts such as Catwoman and Hermoine have famously fallen victim to the shorter hairstyle trend and Beyoncé honestly just looked like she was trying to pull off the frat swoop.


If you have any female interaction on social media, whatsoever, you may also have seen Jennifer Lawrence’s new ‘do. Though every chick on the planet begs “Can we just be best friends? Why is she perfect?” you’d only bang her if she lost ten pounds. Now, shedding some lbs. might not even do it. Lawrence didn’t go full-on pixie short, but the results are equally disastrous.


Since most girls “OMG, WANT TO BE” Jennifer Lawrence, I fear this has the potential to kick off a horrible reactionary chain of events amongst the female populace. Girls, I’m here to save you from yourself. If you’re a woman in your prime, short hair is an overwhelmingly bad idea.

If Celebrities Can’t Pull It Off, You Can’t

As SFPL noted in his brilliant social commentary on high-waisted shorts, just because a celebrity or a supermodel can pull something off, does not mean you can. You might look at Rihanna and think “That’s edgy, that’s worth aiming for,” but she also rocks the “I just got punched by my boyfriend” look, so her judgment is questionable at best.

For pixie cuts, the “But celebs are doing it!” logic doesn’t even apply. Watch Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises and compare it to her acceptance of the award for Les Mis with a haircut you’d drunkenly give a pledge. Watch Emma Watson lick her lips in one of the best .GIFs on the internet and then compare it to her Willard-style combover. Watch Beyoncé in literally anything and then compare it to her trying to pull off her best Roger Dorn flow. Normal ladies, if these fine women can’t pull it off, you don’t even stand a chance.

You Will Stand Out, But Not In A Good Way

There are certain things about girls that a guy only notices if they are spectacular or spectacularly awful. Tits, ass, legs, and a couple other things stand out regardless, but a girl’s eyes are only worth noting if they look photoshopped in real life or if they are hanging out of their sockets. The same logic applies to hair, where outside of blonde, brunette, and easy, the male population will give a collective shrug in regard to her having curled it, straightened it, pulled it up, or having done whatever else she spends an hour and a half doing before she goes out. We only notice the length when it happens to rival our own.

Maybe we take for granted your impeccable sense of style, flawless skin tone, or professionally whitened and straightened teeth, but trust me, if you dress like a moron, if you’re covered in acne, or if you’re chewing on glass, we pick it up immediately. If I even have an opinion on girl hairstyles, by default, it means that the hairstyle either has to be terrible or on Adriana Lima.

They Amplify Your Flaws To Other Girls

If there are acceptable times for a lady to have short hair, it is at the two extremes of her life. My grandma has short hair and it fits her. My 1-year-old cousin does, too, and that’s fine. The difference between them and you is that they have no one to impress. If you’re in the female sweet spot, between the ages of 18 and 28, you certainly do.

“But we don’t cut our hair for men, we cut it for ourselves!” the tired chorus cries out. This isn’t just about impressing guys, though. All of those odd insecurities you have about your looks are only highlighted with short hair. Other girls will notice them immediately as well. If you have bad teeth or some other sort of imperfection, with short hair, you’re putting it front and center. Even if you don’t have a glaring flaw, there’s one thing of which I’m sure: your face is going to look fat. Need further proof? Look at that picture of ole Jennifer Lawrence above and remember that she looked fine before.

  1. GirlNextDoor

    OMG! Where were guys like you when I was in college?! You mean, like, you can be a total sexist asshole and STILL get game? Wow. The frat brothers at my school thought you had to at least pretend to be a gentleman who didn’t objectify women in order to get someone to sleep with you. Someone should tell them they don’t need to try so hard, because either most of the men on this page manage to do pretty well with being up-front douchebags or you’re all implying that you do quite a bit more “banging” than you actually manage. And I’m banking on the latter.

    Honestly, I’m hoping that this column is some form of poor satire commenting on/perpetuating the stereotype that frat guys (or men in general) are shallow sex-crazed idiots, and that most of the people commenting in assent are part of a minority that fits the stereotype and are too stupid to get the joke.

    11 years ago at 11:12 am
    1. Fratimus__Maximus

      I kind of skimmed your post, but if you’re trying to get through to fraternity men on a website that is nothing but dick jokes and sexist writing… you’re probably choosing the wrong medium. While I thoroughly enjoy this website, if you’re here for serious news/stories/etc… you should reassess your choices. This is a website for humor, if you can’t take a joke or even an OPINION (which you seem pretty fond of expressing yourself) then you should probably stop visiting this page and reading what they publish. They post rush boobs for gods sake…

      11 years ago at 12:28 pm
    2. youidiots

      Wow, really? If you don’t like it, don’t read it? Even if it’s directly offensive to you…logical fallacy much?

      11 years ago at 12:57 am
    3. TrickleDown

      ^From the fact that you’re a rushee and your username is literally written as a response to this post, it is clearly that you don’t browse TFM normally. Fuck off back to whatever feminist cesspool you’re from, you ugly butch short-haired loser.

      11 years ago at 11:33 pm
    4. Mr President 2036

      If you actually were the “Girl Next Door” to my house, I would move.

      11 years ago at 1:46 pm
    5. FrattySatty

      The fifth year has spoken. I bet he’s been in college longer than you; therefore, he must know what he’s talking about.

      11 years ago at 2:47 pm
    1. GirlNextDoor

      GirlNextDoor has hair down past her shoulders, sweetie, and enough wit to write a comeback that hasn’t already been written at least twice on this forum. Would you like to try again?

      11 years ago at 12:09 pm
    2. youidiots

      Wow. GirlNextDoor is justifiably calling you all brainless sexist idiots, and your comeback is…she has short hair? Witty I guess…?

      11 years ago at 1:01 am
    3. justbecause

      Sigh. I won’t lose faith in mankind. I won’t lost faith in mankind. I won’t lose faith in mankind. However they’re making it hard. v.v I’ve never seen such a large collection of idiotic males in my entire life.

      11 years ago at 1:57 pm
  2. MidWest_Best_ADPi

    1. Ya’ll are idiots, JLaw did her hair like that for a costume.
    2. Therefore, this whole article is a waste of space because,
    3. The rest of your argument hinges on Beyonce, who is flawless.

    P.S. Pixie is good enough for Jay-Z and Burberry, but not good enough for you?

    11 years ago at 12:03 pm
    1. Nobody

      “Ya’ll”? Seriously? And we’re the idiots? Beyonce is referenced equally to Emma Watson, the argument doesn’t hinge on her without Jennifer Lawrence.

      And P.S. No, “Pixie” is not good enough for me.

      11 years ago at 8:12 pm
    2. youidiots

      Is your name Nobody because it’s a complete list of all the girls that would fuck you?

      11 years ago at 1:02 am
    3. NorthernIllioisDX

      Shug, I don’t think you understand how lists work. Maybe ask SFPL for some pointers?

      11 years ago at 4:09 am
    4. Nobody

      youidiots: Actually it’s a complete list of anybody who laughed at your joke that isn’t in middle school.

      11 years ago at 3:49 pm
    5. youidiots

      Yes, Nobody, I’m dearly sorry for insulting the maturity of an erudite intellectual such as yourself.

      11 years ago at 12:43 am
    6. Nobody

      Actually, I wasn’t insulted at all by your pathetic attempt at a joke. See, unlike all you whiney bitches, I don’t get offended so fucking easily. And if I’m offended, so what? It’s anybody’s right to say what they want, who gives a shit if it’s offensive. You people get so butthurt it’s ridiculous. The fact that you make accounts to post on here is pathetic. So believe me, I wasn’t insulted at all, just humored.

      11 years ago at 2:08 am
    7. Jsmit261

      JLaw didn’t do her hair like that for a costume, she fried her hair by dying it so many times for the hunger games… so clearly didn’t have much of a choice. Don’t get me wrong I’d gladly do JLaw with short hair and without losing 10 pounds but get your facts right.

      And next all they are saying is short hair is unattractive on women. End of story. Go cut it if you want, I don’t care, it’s just unappealing.

      11 years ago at 4:35 pm
  3. TaruhiTakeover

    Not gonna lie, I like short hair on women, if it’s done right. Pixie cuts are fine by me, but I’m not about to enjoy the half-shaved look. I’m not about to say people aren’t allowed to like that hairstyle or enjoy it, but I’m also not going to change my opinion on it any time soon.

    11 years ago at 2:38 pm
  4. 5 To 5

    You realize Ann Hathaway only cut her hair like that because her character in the movie did it

    11 years ago at 3:48 pm
  5. lvck

    Having recently cut my hair into a pixie cut, (and am feeling more beautiful than I ever have before) I panicked when I saw this article. As I began reading this article I realized that none of your arguments are facts, simply opinions. So there really is no reason women shouldn’t have short hair, you just would prefer not to date one. My real problem with this article is that you spent time in your life to work hard and write something not productive, but insensitive, disgusting, hurtful, and untrue. Shame on your spending your time to purposely insult someone.

    11 years ago at 5:31 pm
    1. Nobody

      The fact that you panicked when you saw the article speaks wonders about how beautiful you really think you are now. Sorry you chose an ugly haircut. You don’t have to complain about someone’s writing on a website that, to be honest, you probably wouldn’t like to begin with.

      11 years ago at 6:47 pm
      1. Feminist101

        This is a good example here of a man who is a bigot towards women. Yes you think we are exist merely to please you. Serve you. And only live by your standards?

        We can think for ourselves, make our own choices, and choose our own fu*king haircuts to please only us. And if you don’t like us exercising our rights as individual people shove your opinions up your ass.

        I am a woman with short hair, I love it, men love it, women like my hair too. It suits me and long hair overwhelms me and looks horrible. Yes not all women can pull it off, doesn’t mean they can’t experiment and do as they wish. Wether its for a movie role, for fun, or because of hair damage from all the other things we do to look good for YOU and entertain you.. apparently.

        I should post about how not ALL men can pull off facial hair, and how this trend needs to stop.

        11 years ago at 10:47 pm
      2. Feminist101

        Sorry not all women fit the drawings you make of the “ideal woman” you will never have… lmao

        11 years ago at 11:02 pm
    2. kyucirnogirl

      The fucking idiots on this fucking comment box amuses me. Fuck. More idiots like the user ‘Nobody’ makes me lose more faith in humanity.

      11 years ago at 8:22 pm
    3. Nobody

      Then I’ve done my job. Maybe we can get you to lose enough faith in humanity to give up and die, leaving the world a much better place for the rest of us!

      11 years ago at 9:01 am
  6. shorthairforlifebros

    No. Just no.

    A. You are wrong. I am one of many females between the ages of 18 and 28 (and beyond) who gets MORE male attention when I have short hair vs. when I have long hair. No seriously, the number of guys hitting on my increases dramatically when I go from long to short (which I do with some frequency). And, as a server, I saw a sharp increase in my tip average after I cut it. And I’m not alone. Emma Watson, Kirsten Dunst, Carey Mulligan, Jennifer Lawrence (who does not need to lose weight for anyone), etc., etc., etc. are all frickin’ babes with short hair (or long for that matter). And there are plenty of women in my acquaintance who really do look fantastic with short hair. Moreso when they have long hair in some cases.

    B. There are a lot of us out there who really don’t give a f*ck what you are any male thinks about the length of our hair. You think it makes my face look fat? Well..it doesn’t. But also, that opinion has no bearing on what I’m going to do with my hair. My boyfriend’s opinion doesn’t even matter. (Btw, he couldn’t keep his hands off of me when I recently cut it short.) All that matters is that I feel fabulous and I only have to spend 3 minutes on my hair in the morning for it to look fantastic all freaking day.

    Go suck a toe.

    11 years ago at 5:58 pm
    1. GK0

      I don’t. Short hair is hot.

      I feel bad for TheGent’s SO, since he’s obviously not a very good gentleman.

      11 years ago at 1:35 pm
    2. Nobody

      TheGent didn’t say anything ungentlemanly at all. He was completely right in his post. Poor doofus boyfriend. It’s going to hurt him when you come out of the closet. He should have seen it coming though, the short hair is usually a good sign of a dyke.

      11 years ago at 5:10 am
    3. OurHero

      If it doesn’t matter what the author thinks then why did you write a book about how you disagree. No one cares about your boyfriend either, he was probably all over you because he was trying to get you to shut the fuck up.

      11 years ago at 9:53 pm
    4. mosthonorableactive

      A guy who’s banging out a girl with short hair probably has a fetish for little boys

      11 years ago at 9:03 pm
      1. Feminist101

        Really? What kind of sick twisted mind compare a womanly figure with short hair to a little boy? You have issues.

        11 years ago at 10:51 pm
  7. Slamburglar

    Women write an opinion column about a men’s trend they disagree with= informative.
    Men write an opinion column about a women’s trend they disagree with= sexist
    … and the feminists are bitching about double standards…

    11 years ago at 8:14 pm
    1. Hanawie

      Can you give me an example of this? I’ve literally never seen it and I’ve been in the feminist blogosphere for years.

      11 years ago at 11:49 am
    2. austinatalie

      If it’s sexist, why not call it that? All human beings should be “feminists” – it means that women and men deserve equal human rights. Do you not believe that?

      11 years ago at 11:58 am
    3. ObsidianSparrow

      I have literally never seen an article written by a woman about a men’s trend that discusses it in the same way that this article does. It is one thing to state an opinion or an aesthetic taste. It is another thing entirely to revert to sexist statements such as the ones made above. Had the author of this article simply decided to say “I don’t like short hair on women” that would’ve been fine. Its an opinion. Instead he used arguments like “it makes your face look fat” or “hot celebrities can’t pull it off so your normal ass better not try”. That is stating an opinion in an incredibly offensive and hurtful way. I’m not saying its never been done by women but I haven’t seen it. There’s a huge difference between stating your opinion and being an asshole about it.

      11 years ago at 7:09 pm
    4. Nobody

      ^^^^^ It’s not just women, Slamburglar, it’s these particular women. The annoying, whiney, artsy types. Notice there are very few comments disagreeing from people who have had an account here more than a week? That’s because normal women with lives and hobbies don’t get offended so damn easily like these people. And unfortunately, a majority of short-haired girls are these artsy, usually liberal, “progressive” girls who think everything is sexist or racist or promoting inequality. So that’s why this particular topic has so much complaining and butthurt. It’s very, very entertaining.

      11 years ago at 2:48 am
      1. Feminist101

        You just keep proving what a loser you are, get a life seriously the more I read your comments the more I feel brain cells bursting. You are a product of patriarchy and being told what to do and think. You are no better than a “liberal”

        11 years ago at 10:58 pm
    5. OurHero

      no one cares if you’re offended. Rub some dirt in it, pussy. You came to the wrong place if you were looking for PC social commentary.

      11 years ago at 12:12 pm
  8. pyro40109

    Great. Another step towards De-evolution, gentlemen. You really lowered the bar on this one.

    11 years ago at 9:00 pm